Kachemak Bay Shorebird Festival

Kachemak Bay Shorebird Festival

33rd Annual, May 7-11, 2025

2016 Festival Sponsors (archive)

The Kachemak Bay Shorebird Festival is a joint partnership between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
 Friends of Alaska National Wildlife Refuges

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A very special thank-you to our generous 2016 Festival Sponsors,
who have generously donated financially and with goods and services:

Bristle-thighed Curlew ($5000+)

World Wildlife Fund
Homer Chamber of Commerce & Visitor Center

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Bar-tailed Godwit ($2500-$4999)

Homer News


Pacific Golden Plover ($1000-$2499)

Audubon Alaska
Bay Excursions Water Taxi and Tours
Eagle Optics
Land’s End Resort

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Sandhill Crane ($500-$999)

The Anam Cara Program
Alaska Luxury Adventures
Bear Creek Winery & Lodging
Beluga Lake Lodge
Homer Stay and Play Bed and Breakfast
RAVN Alaska
Wilderness Birding Adventures/ Aaron Lang and Robin Lohse

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Trumpeter Swan ($250-$499)

Brome Bird Care
Cook Inletkeeper
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Black Oystercatcher ($100-$249)

Best Western Bidarka Inn
Clay and Jackie Novell
Cosmic Kitchen
Cycle Logical
Grace Ridge Brewing
Homer Brewing Company
Homer Sportsmans Retreat
Homer Bed and Breakfast Association
Kachemak Crane Watch/ Nina Faust
Kenai Peninsula Orchestra
Malone Insurance Agency
Martha Jokela
Porter’s Alaskan Adventures
Richard Black
Virginia Mckinney
Wasabi’s Restaurant

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Dunlin ($50-$99)
Steve Ericson
Ruth Thompson

Wandering Tattler ($25-$49)
Jerrold Matthews
Catherine Sage
Tara Shea
David Trudgen
Leslie Vandergaw

Peeps ($1-$24)
Charles Evans
Cindy Nelson
Calvin Kerr
Carol Griswold
Erin Roodra
Garnet Morey
Honera Drew
Karin Holbrook
Robin Edwards