Bird Art, Travel, Fun for Bird Friends and Bird Friendly Auction
Will open on April 11th and continue through May 8th, 2022 @ Noon (AKDT time)
Local artists and friends of the Festival create original, avian inspired art works on 6×6 canvases each year. These pieces, as well as birder-friendly “get-aways” and goodies, are auctioned off to raise funds for the Festival. You can participate no matter where you live – we’ll mail you your winning items!
All proceeds benefit the Kachemak Bay Shorebird Festival! Bid Today!
Some auctions items for 2021 include:
*A night’s stay at Stanley Cabins in Jakolof Bay
*RT Homer-Anchorage Vouchners RAVN Alaska
*Shorebird Mittens by Recovered Goods
*Gift Card and The Alaska Pouch II Nomar Alaska
*and MORE!
CLICK HERE for details and to bid online!
… and many more 6×6 Paintings, Glasswork, BirdCare & Learning items, Getaways and Art
go to our Auction Page