Support Payment
Event Listing:
if(substr($ev,0,27)==”Shorebird Festival Event (a”) $ttl+=50;
if(substr($ev,0,27)==”Shorebird Festival Event (n”) $ttl+=25;
if(substr($ev,0,23)==”More To Do in Homer ($1″) $ttl+=100;
if(substr($ev,0,23)==”More To Do in Homer ($5″) $ttl+=50;
if(substr($ev,0,10)==”Bird House”) $ttl+=100;
if($don>0) $ttl+=intval($don);
if($crane>0) $ttl+=intval($crane);
Total due: $ [insert_php] echo $ttl; [/insert_php]
There is an error in your Stripe Payments shortcode. It is missing the "name" field. You must specify an item name value using the "name" parameter. This value should be unique so this item can be identified uniquely on the page.
echo $ttl; [/insert_php]” name=”Event Registration Fee” button_text=”Pay Now” description=”[insert_php] echo $desc; [/insert_php]”]